Mai FM 88.6
Genre : Hip Hop,RnB
Location : Auckland
Bitrate : 32 kbps
Frequency : 88.6 MHz FM
Email : [email protected]
Language : English
95 BFM
Active 88.6 FM
Apna 990 AM
Coast FM
RNZ Concert FM
Flava Hip Hop & RnB
George 96.8 FM
Heads 106.4 FM
Mai FM 88.6
National Radio
Newstalk ZB 89.4 FM
Niu FM 103.8
Radio Dunedin
Sleep Radio
The Breeze FM
The Edge 94.2
The Pulse Radio
Base FM 107.7
RNZ National FM
East FM Aukland 107.1 FM
Radio Hauraki
- About Mai FM 88.6
We play nothing but the hottest Hip Hop and RnB, we've got your access to the hottest concerts and events and we’re home to the best DJs in Aotearoa! So tune in on your radio, The Mai FM App or online and get amongst what’s going down. - Continent: Oceania
- Country: New Zealand
- City: Auckland
- Bitrate: 32 kbps
- Genre: Hip Hop, RnB,
- Frequency: 88.6 MHz FM
- Language: English
- Address: Level 2, Fountain Court, Cnr St Mary's Bay and Jervois Rd's, Ponsonby, Auckland
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: tel:+09 361 7886/ 0800 WIN MAI
- Web: http://www.maifm.co.nz/
Mai FM 88.6