Flava Hip Hop & RnB
Genre : Hip Hop,RnB
Location : Auckland
Bitrate : 32 kbps
Frequency : 88.6-106 MHz FM
Email : [email protected]
Language : English
95 BFM
Active 88.6 FM
Apna 990 AM
Coast FM
RNZ Concert FM
Flava Hip Hop & RnB
George 96.8 FM
Heads 106.4 FM
Mai FM 88.6
National Radio
Newstalk ZB 89.4 FM
Niu FM 103.8
Radio Dunedin
Sleep Radio
The Breeze FM
The Edge 94.2
The Pulse Radio
Base FM 107.7
RNZ National FM
East FM Aukland 107.1 FM
Radio Hauraki
- About Flava Hip Hop & RnB
Flava Radio stations are the most recognized internet based, onward thinking, innovative equipment which is the reason why most of the people loves this station. Turn your own little brown eyes along with 30 severely acclaimed performers through almost al - Continent: Oceania
- Country: New Zealand
- City: Auckland
- Bitrate: 32 kbps
- Genre: Hip Hop, RnB,
- Frequency: 88.6-106 MHz FM
- Language: English
- Address: NZME, 2 Graham Street, PO Box 32, Auckland New Zealand
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: tel:+0800-4-FLAVA or 0800-435-282
- Web: http://www.flava.co.nz/
- Fb: https://www.facebook.com/flavaradio/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/flavaradio
Flava Hip Hop & RnB